Celtic Pirate Info
Song List
Concert Photos
Finding the Pirates
Where They Played
Where Ya From
Notice! Celtic musicians do not know every Irish song ever written!
Apparently unbeknowst to many fans of Irish and Scottish tunes, Celtic musicians are not baern knowing every bar tune and ballad ever written by any man, woman, or beast named Clancy, O'Reilly, MacFiddish, etc. Furthermore, even if they do know the tune, many Celtic musicians aren't willing to play them for reasons of ethics, morality, or religion (unless if it's for lots of money...well, any money). The Pirates differ here a bit from most. If they know the tune (and can actually play it without completely embarassing themselves in the process) they usually oblige any request at any outing! But what can they play well? Here is a list of the tunes that the Celtic Pirates enjoy playing most of all: |
Celtic Pirates Favorites to Play
Bonnie Highland Laddie Follow Me Up to Carlow
GALWAY RACES How I miss the Days
LOCH LOMOND Scotland the Brave
Tenant Farmers Lament the queen of arqyll
Philip Doherty Tin Whistle parts
Allformegrog asirovedout
Back Home in Derry Bard of Armagh
Beer Beer Beer Black is the Colour
Black and Tans Blackbird
Black Velvet Band BotanyBay
Boys of Killibegs Brennan on the Moor
carrickfergus City of Chicago
Cliffs of Doneen cobbler
cocklesand mussels comebythehills
Cometo the bower Crack was 90
Danny Boy donegal danny
Down By The Glenside dutchman
Easy and Slow fiddlers green
Fields Of Athenry Finnigans Wake
fourgreenfields garden song
glasgow lullaby Gypsy Rover
Hills of Connemara Ill tell me mom
irish eyes are smiling Irish lullaby
irish Rover JamaicasShores
JugofPunch JuiceoftheBarley
Lakes of Pontchartrain Leaving of Liverpool
LordoftheDance Maid of FyfieO
Mary from Dungloe Mcilhatton
Men Behind the Wire Mermaid
Moonshiner Mountain Dew
MTA Nancy Whiskey
NancySpain Nightingale
Only our Rivers Run Free OrdinaryMan
Oreillydaughter Parting Glass
Patriot Game Town I Love so Well
Place in the Choir Pub with No Beer
Quare Bungle Rye Red is the Rose
Redmond O'Hanlon Ride On
Risingof the Moon Scotsman
Sean South of Garryowen Shoals of Herring
Star of the County Down steel rails
Streetsof London SunisBurning
Take her in your arms There Is A Ship
town of ballybay Unicorn Song
Voyage Waltzing Matilda
whiskey in the jar Whiskey you're the devil
wild colonial boy Wild Rover
Willie McBride Winds of morning
Ye Jacobites By Name